UNICEF Surveils, Defames Health Sites Over Vaccines - GreenMedInfo, Mothering.com, Mercola.com, NaturalNews
Posted on:Thursday, August 29th 2013 at 9:45 am
Cover page of the UNICEF report.
stunning new report reveals that the United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) has been monitoring independent health sites and their users in
an attempt to identify 'anti-vaccine influencers' and their effect on
lackluster vaccine uptake.A newly fashioned United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) working paper tracking "the rise of online anti-vaccination sentiments in Central and Eastern Europe" identifies independent health websites, including GreenMedInfo.com, Mercola.com, NaturalNews.com and VacTruth.com, as contributing to lackluster vaccine uptake.
The UNICEF report, titled "Tracking anti-vaccination sentiment in Eastern European social media networks," obtained data using "state-of-the-art social medial monitoring tools," and confirmed that parents are using social media networks to decide whether to vaccinate their children.
The 47-page report attempts to answer the following questions:
- Why parents are refusing vaccination?
- What are the concerns about vaccines?
- What are their ideals/perceptions?
- Who is influencing the discussion?
- Which networks are being used?
- Where are they located?
- How to respond?
- GreenMedInfo.com
- Mercola.com
- Vactruth.com
- Mothering.com
- Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines
- Thinking Moms' Revolution
- The Refusers
- Natural News
- Worldtruth.tv
- Cafemom.com
- VaccineInjury.info
- EverydayHealth.org
- LeftBrain/RightBrain
- Zen Gardner – Just Wondering
Slide #30 from the PPT presentation of the report.
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