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Tuesday, September 22nd 2015 at 9:00 am
Written By:
Kent HeckenlivelyPLAGUE – The Retrovirus-Gate Lies
As an attorney I learned (often the hard way), that if you wanted to know the truth about a person, you didn't just listen to their words, but you investigated their actions. If a client said he wasn't a gambler, you should probably check out how many trips he's made to Las Vegas in the past year. We all understand that, right?
So, why is it that with the XMRV retrovirus (more accurately referred to as the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, basically a mouse retrovirus that crossed-over into humans) that Dr. Mikovits and I wrote about in our book, PLAGUE: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases, officially declared by Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University and the medical research community not to be a threat, are people spending a lot of money to protect against something just like XMRV?
One of the most important questions Dr. Mikovits investigated was whether the XMRV retrovirus posed a threat to the blood supply, just as the HIV retrovirus posed a threat to the blood supply decades earlier. The investigation was troubled from the start and Dr. Mikovits was aware of immense pressure that the scientists reach the conclusion that no threat existed.
Shortly after the publication of her article in the journal Science in October of 2009, showing an association between the XMRV retrovirus and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Dr. Mikovits was contacted by representatives from the Cerus Corporation. They had developed the Cerus Intercept System, which involved inserting a molecule into the donated blood material, this molecule then attaches to the DNA or RNA of any potential pathogen, and then when exposed to ultraviolet light the molecule binds to the pathogen and prevents it from replicating. ("The INTERCEPT Blood System Rids Blood Donations of All Pathogens," Scientific American, June 16, 2015) Dr. Mikovits worked on two studies with Cerus, including one which showed the Oakland blood supply was contaminated with XMRV, and found that the Cerus system could inactivate all human retroviruses in blood products.
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